Our Gardens
The garden at Cathedral Cliffs offers views to the Kaikoura Peninsula to the north and across Gore Bay and Port Robinson. It was established by Murray and Betty Elliot. They began creating diverse areas of the garden over 20 years ago while they waited for the house to be built. Even when they left in 2009 Murray was still adding to a very extensive collection of Rhododendrons, Magnolias, Proteas, Leucodendrons, Camellias, trees and bulbs.
Plant Calendar
July-September: Camellias, Proteas
August: Early Rhodos, Camellias, Heleborous, Magnolias
September-November: Magnolias, Rhodos, Hostas
All Year: Proteas, Leucodenrons, Natives and an extensive collection of succulents, amazing vistas and birdsong.
We have grown to understand Murray was not only a plantsman and compulsive collector of plants but a respected breeder especially of Rhododenrons. They were a particular favourite of Murrays and their propogating and developing more than a hobby. When asked the name of many his reply was often “I never got around to that but I know it’s parents”.
Under planting with Helebores by the bank full and Hostas provides extra pleasure for those spending time walking around. Being frost free means Leucosperums, Leucodendrns and Proteas including the huge King Protea grow readily.
Planting had begun around the ponds and bearded irises are being established. The orchard is home to many varieties of plums, apples, lemons, oranges and manderins. Visitors often leave with a bag of fruit.